Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What a fabulous day!!

My new niece   Natalie Rian was born on 12/16/08 via C-section.  She was 7 lbs. 9 oz. and 19 inches long.  Mom and Niece are doing well and will be released from the hospital on friday!!  I'm so over joyed with love and anticipation of meeting this new life!!  Xoxoxoxo

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sorry I"m a Slacker....

So it's been awhile since my last post and for those following I appologize.  So let's see what has happened.  

I finally got to go home for a bit for Thanksgiving.  I went down to Salem with a friend and spent time down there playing card and doing puzzles with old people.  LOL  It was actually lots of fun. 

I got to take my niece to the movies and catch up with her.  She is growing so fast and independent. My sister is STILL pregnant. She is not happy that the baby won't come out already. HAHAHA Poor thing....  Hopefully she has the baby on my day off!!  Is that selfish of me?

So things that I was very thankfull for this year.  Hmmm.......  Lots....
My friend stopped suffering from Cancer and went home to God.  My sister got married and pregnant. My other sister graduated from highschool.  I got laid of at a job that i hated.  I moved to Seattle and got an awesome job.  My best friend moved to Seattle!  Two of my friends are having multiples  and are due within 4 days of each other.  Another one of my friends just got married.  I have reconnected with many friends that I lost throughout the years.  I have met a wonderful person who makes me giddy and makes my jaw hurt from smiling soo much.  The list goes on and on.

I went to a great concert two weeks ago.  It was Brandie Carlisle and she played with the Seattle Symphony,  It was soo good.  We had great seats (5th row).   I went on a date with my special and when we got to the resturant there were roses sitting at the table waiting for me.  I almost started crying it was amazing...  Then we went to see Marvin Hamlish at the Symphony...

Other than that,  I have kinda injured my shoulders again while lifting and my knees are starting to act up.  I swear i'm not really 31 but more like 70.  ugh!!    

I will try to get better again and update more frequently... no excuses!! 

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Little Blessings

Do you ever stop some days and just take a moment to reflect.. 

Today has been one of those days for me.  I realized that I have a pretty great life and that there are little blessings everywhere.  

Like for instance I had a great workout this morning and when i went to my car there was a beautiful bouquet of flowers sitting in my drivers seat from my honey!! (for no reason at all)  YAY...   

Then I went to Walmart to get some stuff and I told the greeter to have a good day.  He stopped and looked at me and then said  "Thanks soo much"  and had a big smile on his face.   I realized he probably doesn't get told that much which is soo sad.   

Two of my friends are pregnant with multiples and they are doing well, due in April 4 days apart from each other

And this past weekend I watched some of my co-workers run a 5k obstacle course for Leukemia.  I made them a poster and cheered them on and they were so happy I came. 

Lastly, My co-worker told me how much she enjoys working with me and that she is so happy to come to work when I'm there.

It truly is the little things in life that make it so great and make us so blessed!! 

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

As Promised!!

Here are some pics of my little hobbit house...   Fair warning... The ceilings are 6'5" and I'm in the basement.  SO i have a total of 4 windows in my house!!  

                                                                   This is my Front door
                                                          This is my Bathroom.  Window # 1
                                           My Laundry Room/ Mud Room/ Library and Window #2
                                                      My Bedroom which has window # 3
                                  My Dining Room/ Pantry/ Rest of my Living Room and window #4
                                                                 My Living Room

                                                                         My Kitchen

I have cooked all of 3 times on the little tiny Stove!!  LOL  I like where I live, but forgot how loud people who live above you can be, especially when they are having their private time (if you know what I mean)  Thank the lord for Ear plugs!! 

Monday, November 10, 2008

Stop the Presses!!

Today was a new and great experience for me.  
As today is Sunday.... I'll give you one guess as to what I did today........ tick tock tick tock... 

 Yes that's right!!  Kirsty Lyn went to church today!!!  

And I'm glad to report there were no lightening strikes or pitch forks.  LOL   My wonderful friend invited me to go and I actually had a great time.  We sang a ton!!  That was awesome..  Especially since you all know i'm training for American Idol next year.  hahaha ..........yeah right! 

This place was really cool. The Pastor almost made me cry and the congregation was very open, young and multi-cultural.  

I think I might just go back!  

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Proud to be an American!!

I am so overjoyed to be an American tonight!  Watching Obama become the next president fills me with hope and pride!! 

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Some People........ Rants from a Pissed off Woman!!

So I have known this guy since April and let me tell you what a Jerk!!  He is seriously someone that you meet think they might be cool and then Wammo!!  CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY!!!  ...........

We started out as "just friends" because he didn't feel a connection with me.  That was cool with me.  Over the next couple weeks we became close and started to see each other but nothing serious or exclusive. After a month of that I suggested that we make it official and his response was " I guess so, but this doesn't mean I love you are anything"  LOL   Hello should have been my RED flag.  But no,  I only think with my heart and not my head.   (i know...... wtf  Kirsty!!)   So we did the serious thing for about two weeks or so and then I got the news about losing my job and the fact that I might be moving out of state for a new one.  So he breaks up with me.. Cool........ I tell him that's cool, because for the last month he's been telling me he doesn't see a long term future with us!   Ok no problem.......   So I said let's just go back to seeing each other casually.  I get the job in Seattle and he tells me to go and not worry about him or anything.  SO that is what I do.   And wouldn't you know it, not even a week goes by and he tells me he is in love with me and can't live with out me and that if I want to quit my new job and move home. I can live with him.  He thinks I would be a great wife and mother ( I DON"T WANT KIDS!!!!!)  
So I tell him that this is too much and I have too much going on to think about this and to back off a little and give me space.  Every time I'm talking to him he is on the verge of crying and telling me how much he loves me.  Whatever, you only think that cause I'm gone now.   JESUS!!!  I finally tell him that I can't do this and that we need to just be friends.  He says that is fine and he looks forward to that,  but of course  I get emails about me moving home and quitting my job or him moving up here so we can be together.   WTF,  you didn't see a future with me!!  I"m done.  DONE DONE DONE....... 

That's all I have to say.......LOL  (Sorry for the Rant)

Life is soo AWESOME!!

Sorry it's been awhile.  Not having internet at home has really hindered my social (internet) life.  Hahhaa.......  I guess it's good to unplug sometimes.  So let's see here, let's catch up.   

Well I have almost completely unpacked my house and am excited about that.  The darn cat will not stop licking me and she walks around the house yelling at me.  It's super annoying, but I guess she is used to having 3 dogs and 5 other cats to keep her occupied.  Anyway.  

So I have started lifting weights again 5 days a week at 24hour fitness and have lost 7lbs and a dress size. WOO HOO!!  My lifting partner is awesome and she kicks my butt!! I will start posting pics once I can really see results!!

Work is busy but awesome.  I'm so blessed that I found this job!  It was soo worth this life changing move!  I"m starting to make some great friends and doing things on my days off.....

As for my love life........I have met someone that is totally fantastic and we get along sooo great!! I am amazed everyday that this person walked into my life.  It's soo fun!

I spent Halloween with my Niece, she was the devil (pic to follow). It was soo awesome to see her.  My sister is getting huge and will deliver in Dec.  She did inform me that I will not be able to be in the delivery room for the birth. I"m very sadden by this (especially since I missed the birth of Ali), but I can't say that i'm shocked at all.   Oh well such as life!!!

Anyway..................  I'm working as you can see from the time of this post.. So back to work I go!! 

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hawaii Pics

Here are some promised Pics of my trip to Hawaii!!!!!

At Waimea Canyon. ... Almost looks like Arizona
Plumeria,  So pretty

Luau  night....... I got to dance with him.......... LOL
Spouting Horn
Just before Our Helicopter ride
Our view from the Beach
  Our rooms 

Finally a Place to call Home.........

So I have officially moved my stuff up here and found a small basement apartment in a house (pics to come).  It is up in Everett which is about 35 mins from Seattle.  Everyone I work with thinks that is just wayyyyy toooo loooongggg to commute, but Hey I'm from Colorado, that is nothing!  LOL  Anyway,  I have been in officially for a week, but of course have been working like crazy so I only have half unpacked.  I also don't have internet or tv yet, so I have succumbed to reading even more and watching movies.  It's a small apt. about 650 sq. ft. and the ceilings are only 6'5", so I can't have any tall people come over.  But it is perfect for me.  OH yeah,  and the Front Door is a huge square.  Reminds me of a Hobbit House.  I will take pics and post very soon.   

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Finally Things are Happening

Well I'm almost off training at work and I start my night shifts on Oct. 4th.   I have also found a place to live.  YAY!!  I sign the lease tomorrow.  Pics to come. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First Week Complete and Time for Vacation!!

Well I have officially finished my first week.  i.e  Six days straight of work  LOL. It has been so exhausting to work 12hr shifts again and have almost no down time.  Not to mention, the reading and training as well, and going out to watch a recovery.  

 Did I mention I have to get up at 4am?  I have not done that in over 2 years.  I am a night shift work, not a day walker! Ahhh  ........

I got blisters on both my feet from wearing shoes other than flip flops and my body hate wearing a bra everyday for sooo long.  Hahaha!  However,  I get to leave for Hawaii in the morning and I'm soo excited. 
I have started to do work on my own already with NO Supervision and am feeling confident.  Yiphee!! 

 I am still having a hard time finding a place to live and have almost resigned to the fact that I will indeed have to live in the ghetto or have a dreaded roomate again! 

I will take lots of picture while I'm gone and hopefully get sometime to make a scrap book!

Aloha and Mahalo (as they say in Hawaii)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I'm official

Well I finished my first three days at work.  It is great, but very tiring.  I definitely got spoiled working from home and not have to shower, put on makeup, or drive to work.  LOL  I am officially on the Sightlife website.  So check it out if you want.  It's   go to "About Sightlife" and then to "Meet Our Staff" and you will find my name.  LOL.  There's even a dumb picture of me and a little blurb.  Lol.    So here are a few pics of where i'm working.
This is the outside of my building.  Well actually the corner.  LOL   They have all kinds of shops (coffee, clothes, food and Apts. )  And REI is across the street!!

This is the view from the SouthEast side of our Office.

This is the view to the West from the front office.  That's the Space Needle  or something like that!!

This is what our office looks like.  We are in a green building, so no walls and open ceilings.  LOL  I work in the pod on the left.  More pics of my actual work area to come!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I made it!

Well I have officially stayed my first night in Seattle. I have found a place to stay for a month. yay!! Thought I would show you some pictures of where I'm staying. Oh yeah and I died my hair back to Blonde!

This is the house I'm staying at in Kirkland Washington

This is my bedroom. I am down in the basement. That's my window in the top right corner

This is the resident dog Bella, who already loves me and guards the door to my room. (and also slept with me last night) LOL

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fun with my Niece

On August 8th, I got to go to the Oregon Air show with Ali, my mom and my guy. We had soo much fun i just had to show you a pic of her and the awesome jet. (pictures were taken by Steve)

Here was the fighter jet that scared the crap out of Ali and I and I ended up having to stick my fingers in her ears. LOL

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well like I said in the beginning, I'm not very good at this. I'm not sure what to share, what not too and what is an overshare. LOL

For those that know me really well. You are aware that I tend to over react and am a very emotional person. I feel deeply, love deeply and am just sometimes crazy emotional. Today is one of those days. I am totally stressed out (although I know I shouldn't be). I keep trying to tell myself that there is no reason to be this stressed but I am. I have to pack! Pack for moving to my temporary housing, pack for my trip to Hawaii (which is happening the second week of my job), and pack for the BIG move which will happen sometime between Sept. 20 to Oct. 1st. I have realized that most of my stuff is for someone with a family and a house. I.E. Craft stuff (i'm not just talking some stuff, I have enough to fill an entire bedroom : Sewing machine, thread, quilting, scrap booking, card making, knitting, jewelry making, painting, kids crafts and other stuff i'm sure , 101 cookie cutters, baking and other stuff. While I'm not complaining that I have all this great stuff. I"m not sure that 1. I can fit it in a 400-800 sq ft. apt. and 2. Will have anytime in the first year to actually do much crafting, nor may I want to. LOL

Then there is the money issue. I know that everyone thinks about money, but for me it makes me really really nervous. I have been homeless or near homeless twice in my life and have had a pretty poor life growing up, so money is always a nerve point for me. I will not get a pay check until at least the middle if not the end of Sept. Which means that I will have gone a month to a month and a half without a pay check. Ugh #1. I have to have money for bills, gas now (which since I'm not used to driving everyday to and from work has turned into a huge stress), money for rent for temp housing and then money for the deposit, first,last and fees. Ugh # 2 Then there's money for food and all the crap you have to get when you get a new place. I mostly gave everything of that nature to Danny when I kicked him out cause he had the kids so I have to re-aquire all those things.

I know that this may seems irrational, but right now its a big stressor for me.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Great Day

Today has been a great day all around. I found temporary housing in Seattle and two of my friends announced that they are preggers!! This day couldn't get any better.......

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Big News/ Quick Change

Well this has been one of the craziest weeks of my life. On friday I Accepted the job in Seattle. I start on Sept. 3rd. AHhhhhhh. I ended up quitting Statline on Friday because I need the time to try to find a place to live, pack and move before the 3rd. NO pressure. I'm super excited but also in trepidation. This is probably the biggest thing I have ever done. I spent all day yesterday up in Seattle driving around looking at neighborhoods and trying to remember what it is like driving in traffic! I have resigned to the fact that I may be eating ramen again for the next few months. LOL I guess working from home for the last two years have spoiled me! You all will have to bear with me for the next month as I have no idea where i'm going to live or how all this will work!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Gap no More!!

I went to the Dentist yesterday and finally had my post braces gap filled! I'm so excited!! I can't stop looking at my teeth in the mirror.. HaHaHa I"m such a dork

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Big Day

Ok, So yesterday at about the same time I got a package from Fed/Ex with my Severance Details (which by law I am not at liberty to discuss) and I got a phone call from Sightlife(job in Seattle). I also got several emails from 4 other jobs I applied to with rejection letters. Big Day

Anyway, my current job said I have a position until Nov. 30Th pending any un foreseen issues or me getting terminated. Blah Blah Blah. There was a list of 31 people who got laid off this week, leaving 14 people to work 24/7. NO, thanks...... You can take this job and shove it

The phone call I got was good news. I have been offered the job as long as I can be up in Seattle and ready to work by Sept. 1. HOLY SHIT!! That is two weeks away. How am I gonna pull this off. Find a Place to live, move, get situated, get household stuff, work clothes, figure out the commute. So I have spent the last two days trying to find affordable housing and so far have not been successful at all. UGH!!! STRESS!!! I should be stoked, but I'm actually kinda freakin
out. I know that everything will work out, but gees. LOL

Just thought I would update you all, I know that you are at the edge of your seats waiting to hear. HAHAHAHAHA

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bad News/ New Opportunity?

Well this is a bit delayed but about a month ago a got news that myself and (44 others) are being laid off at work and that it will be sometime between Aug. 2 and Dec. 1. So of course my first reaction is panic and fear. I was just devastated and so many thoughts and emotions came to the surface.

First I only took the job for my family because the children needed a stable home life and Flight for Life couldn't offer that. Second, when we moved to Oregon (which was to get help with the kids and because Danny lost our home) I worked from home and did not bother to get my reciprocity for my EMT out here. So I feel stupid that I let myself get into this position. I lost my family and now my job!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME...........

So After lots of meditation, I have come to the realization that this is a good thing. This is the final part of a life that was very bad for me(I will blog about my marriage and divorce later), and I have come to terms that I am okay with losing my job.

So I am now looking for a new job, I have interviewed with two companies and am waiting to hear from them. One will still be working from home and the other is in Seattle, so that will require me to move.

On a side note, I have a meeting with the HR dept. tomorrow to find out what my Severance Package is and if I still have a job after tomorrow. Part of me just hopes that tomorrow I will be laid off so the work drama will be over!!

I'm Caving.......

Well I have decided to join the blog band wagon. Everyone always asks me what is new in my life or what's happening and I can never remember what I have and haven't told people, so this is my way of tell you all at the same time. I'm not very good at writing my thoughts and feelings, so we will see how this adventure plays out......... Stay tuned, this could get ugly!!