Friday, October 5, 2012

Day 17

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

I have two friends right now that I cannot express how much they mean to me. They are both people that I would have NEVER expected to care so much about, not because they are bad people but they are just so very different from how I was raised and what I'm used to. One of these friends reaches me on a level I can only describe and my long lost sister, my twin, my duplicate. The other friend has experienced some of the same loss that I have and knows my thoughts and understands them even when no one else does.  I hold these friends in the highest regards. They are my ROCK!!

I Feel.....

Anger....deep burning, sheering

Pure white rage like a newly forged sword

Fire so hot, your eyes and body burn just being near

Vengeful bacteria oozing from pores, trying to kill you

Stench so putrid that life around you dies instantaneously

Rage, fists clenched
Rage, eyes watering
Rage, voice gone

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 16

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you

I never thought that I would say that GOD inspires me, but this year has been a year of GOD having a hand in my life daily. Growing up in a non-faith home was normal for me. While I would attend Sunday school with friends, I never belonged to a church of my own. When we moved here I found Trinity and that was totally GOD's doing.  I wasn't looking for him, he just found me.  Each day GOD pushes me to be a better person, to work through my frustrations, see through others eyes, and make me a better me. 

Sometimes it's too much

About eight months ago I experienced overwhelming fatigue.  It's hard to explain just how tired I was, but it is happening again.  Last time even though I would get 8 or more hours of sleep I would have a hard time staying awake at work. During my lunch break I would sleep and when I got home I would be in bed by 5:30pm.  I would sleep until 7:15 am and wake up just as tired.  I had blood work done that just showed by Vitamin D was a little low. I did a pulse ox overnight study to see if I possibly had periods of hypoxia (not breathing enough) and that came back normal.  I lost my appetite and my wanting to to anything.  Then one day I was fine.  Well it has now returned.  I'm exhausted!!!!  Last time it was okay because I just had work to worry about and I can pretty much do that in my sleep anyway, but now I'm working on my Master's Degree and it is not easy.  So far I have failed a test (55%) and did poorly (75%) on my paper. I have no desire or strength to read my material and be a functioning student.  BUT I HAVE TO BE.  Monday I had six cups of coffee and a 5hr energy shot (which lasted 15 mins), yesterday I had 4 cups of coffee and 7 glasses of water.  I was in bed my 7:30pm and slept until 7:10am.  I woke up feeling good but by 8:30am was exhausted again!!!  WTH..  I had my wonderful bff give my a shot of B12, but so far nothing is working.  I have homework to do and reading to complete, but all I can think about is how stinking tired I am.