Friday, November 6, 2009

Job Update!!

I was just offered the Medical Review Coordinator Position!! WOO HOO

Work woes and the loss of a bestfriend

So work has pretty much been sucking. People are ALWAYS calling out sick and I have been working very understaffed. It totally sucks knowing that on certain days there is a 75% chance that my coworker will call out sick. So I have applied for the Medical Review Coordinator position and I should find out within the next week if I get it. I'm not totally keeping my fingers crossed that way I can't be dissapointed if I don't get it. But I am so ready to have a new position in the company for more than one reason. Which brings me to the second part of my post title. So my BFF and I have not been doing well for awhile. But I she finds out that I applied for the Medical Review position and tells me that she applied for it as well. Well after grilling me about why I applied. She proceeds to throw me under the bus at work and has tried to dis-credit me with my co-workers. I confronted her about it and she got totally defensive and denied everything. I am so sick and tired of playing highschool drama. SO I decided to end our friendship. WELL... it has Totally backfired for me with regards to work... NOTE TO SELF: Never have a best friend at work!!!

So anyway she has now said to multiple people at work that I am not smart enough to get the position and then there was a call out for a sick person and she did not call me to come into work, but told my boss that she tried everyone and no one would come in!! I AM SO ANGRY.... Needless to say, she obviously was NEVER my bestfriend and I am better off with out her, but I am still so hurt that I invested so much of myself into her and our friendship only to get shit on.

I am trying to gain a new attitude about work and not get bogged down in the drama and crap.. But most days it is so hard!! Why can't this be easier?

Wow Time Flies

So i haven't updated in almost two months. This seems to be a recurrent theme with me lately. UGH.... So I'm going to try to catch up. Well September 28th was NH's birthday and I decided to throw a Surprise party. The planning went off with out a hitch, HOWEVER the execution was poor. Now when I say poor, there were things that were out of my control completely. So we went to Jillians Billards which is a sports bar. Not everyone I inivited showed, but that is always how it is. NO worries there. We get there, everyone yells Surprise!! YAY!! Then the crap started. The waitress was a complete flake. She took forever to get our drinks. Then we order appetizers....and wait..... and wait......... then order our meals...and wait.... 35 mins later our appetizers show up.... we are out of drinks at this point. We had only ordered WATER for pete's refill. So 4 of the 6 dinner orders arrive... YAY!! and we are still waiting for the last two.. one more shows up and then then waitress comes up to the table and is like.... SO I can't refill your drinks cause we are all out of glasses and we ran out of bread so they didn't make your sandwich, but it's like totally not my fault!!! AND THEN SHE JUST WALKS AWAY!!! WTF?!!! So my friends says forget it and eats our food. We never got our drinks refilled and she NEVER came back to the table. So we just through some money down and walked out. I personally don't think we shoud have paid anything. UGH... NH and I walked our friends out to there cars only to find that one of our friends car had been broken into and her purse and Ipod were stolen. What a shitty evening!!! We waited with her until her boyfriend and the police showed up.

My birthday was a week later and I went to a coworker's house for dinner after work. Work sucked, but that is for another post. My mom came up a couple days later and we had a mother daughter day and it was a good birthday!