Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 13: A picture of your favorite band or artist

The Police.  This group has been my favorite since I was 2 years old!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 10: A picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with

I have know J since middle school and we have done some pretty crazy things.  Man I love this girl!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 08: A picture that makes you laugh

The lights were out most of the night and when they came on, she had soot all over her face!  LOL

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 07: A picture of your most treasured item

My nieces are my most treasured item.  I would give my life for these girls. They are my heart and soul. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 06: A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

I know that he is technically not a person, but I would love to be in his shoes for a day!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day Four: A Picture of your night

Went to Dinner with Friends at La Fuente Mexican Resaurant

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts

1. I have more freckles than anyone I know. 

2. I have had 2 knee surgeries, sinovial joint injections, and a

breast reduction all withing the last 6 months.

3. I participated in my first ever 9k this past weekend.

4. I have the best spouse/partner any would could ask for


6. I am learning what GOD means to me 

7. I love my church family

8. I sing and dance at random

9. I wanted to be a dentist until I was 18 

10. I would give my life for my nieces

30 Day Challenge

This should be fun... So in the next thirty days I will be completing this list:

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show

Day 04 - A picture of your night

Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory

Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item

Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate

Day 12 - A picture of something you love

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist

Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity

Day 19 - A picture and a letter

Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel

Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget

Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book

Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change

Day 25 - A picture of your day

Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you

Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member

Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of

Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile

Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Back in the saddle again

Okay so I promised that I would update you on what been happening with me since my last post forever ago!!  LOL.  I don't know why I'm so bad at this game, but I am.

Here is a picture of the tattoo that I got in honor of my Aunt and then a shadow box I made of her.

 So my Uncle came out in April and borrowed my car for his new adventure.  This is how you know that you live in a really little town.  I have needed a second car exactly two times since he has borrowed it. LOL  He is coming out for Thanksgiving (YAY) and will be bringing the car back.

May:  I had my first knee surgery.  My right knee was worse so it went first.  I had a lateral tendon release and arthroscopy to clean out all the destroyed cartilage. What you see in the picture that looks like shredded chicken is actually my cartilage. On to physical therapy

June:  I had physical therapy 3 days a week for 4 weeks which kicked my ass and hurt so bad, but was so worth it.  I also started supervising visits between biological parents and their children that were in foster care as part of my internship for school.  I continued to do this even after my internship was over because it meant so much to the family I was supervising.

July:  NH and I decided to start selling baked good at the farmer's market as a fun summer time project.  We did pretty good and had a lot of fun!  Here are some pics from that.  Turns out I'm a pretty good cupcake decorator and I might have a few paying gigs coming soon!!  WOO HOO

Also on July 17, I had SI (sinovial joint) injections in my back to help with my L5-S1 disc bulge and desiccation.  I found out this year that I have arthritis in not only my knees but two places in my back T11-T12 and L5-S1 and it will only get worse as I get older.  However, the extremely painful injections that I had to endure have alleviated my pain almost completely (Thank you Jesus!!).  This is a huge step for me, since I have been in pain for 17 years.  I am hoping to make it atleast 9 months before I need another injection!  On July 21st I had my second knee surgery on the left knee. Same procedure followed by physical therapy.  Woo, blah!  LOL

August:  I got a letter from my insurance company stating that they reviewed my case and they ACCEPTED my appeal for a breast reduction!!  YES!!  But I only had until Sept 10th, 2011 to get it done. So before getting approval to take time off work I booked my reduction for Sept. 1st.   I met with the plastic surgeon and he said that he was going to take about 1050grams from my left and 750 grams from my right, which should make me about a D cup.  Yes you heard it right only a D cup.  LOL

So in Sept my Mommy flew out for my surgery and on the first I had my breast reduction and they took 3.82 pounds total, they wanted to take more but it would have left me uneven (which I already was and that was not the goal).  So after being in the recovery room for a couple of hours, I got to go to the hotel and sleep, ask Mom and NH the same questions over and over again and ask for the same food every time I was hungry which happened to be fried cheese sticks and fresh veggies with ranch dip.  LOL 

I have had to wear a sports bra 24 hrs a day for the last 6 weeks, but my boobs look great and I feel one hundred times better!!!

At the beginning of this month I was given a low blow by the doctors I found out that I am insulin resistant, which basically means that my pancreas produces too much insulin all the time and if I don't get it fixed it will burn out and I will become diabetic.  I was also diagnosed with poly-cystic ovarian syndrome (google it) which is mostly the reason I can't lose weight and I carry the majority of my weight in my midsection.  So now I'm on Metformin for that and I am working on totally changing my lifestyle.  I did learn that is probably the culprit for my miscarriage so that actually made me feel just a little bit better.

This past weekend, I wanted to test out my new improved body and NH and I went to Chicago with a friend and participated in the Title9k (which is about 5.5 miles) and I finished in 1hr 40 mins!!  I have to say I'm super proud of myself!!! 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It's about time!

It's about time, that I start writing my blog again.  I thought that I was going to be able to give this up and just chill, but alas, I yes Kirsty am admitting defeat.  I need a sounding board and one that won't get offended, upset, insert anyother word you can think of.   So much has been happening I don't even know where to start. So starting tomorrow. I will begin where I left off and will blog everyday until I'm caught up.

I will leave you with one note today.  I GET TO GO SHOOT GUNS!!!  WOO HOO

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm so not good at keeping up with this......

So so much has happen since I last posted.  My aunt lost her battle against Cancer.  My mom came out to Kirksville for vacation. I was denied my claim for breast reduction. NH was 5th yeared.  I have messed up my back even worse. Oh yeah, and now I'm on Skype

Let's start with the first one as it is the most heart breaking to me.  My aunt S died on Monday March 21st.  She had stage 4 cervical CA that was just diagnosed in January.  I can't tell you how much my heart aches over her being gone.  I'm so worried for my Uncle as they were together for over 30 years, I can't imagine what he is going through.  He is so strong.  When I was little I remember thinking that he was this really gruff, stoic, tattoo covered man that kinda scared me becasue he was so quiet and had piercing eyes.  I have since seen the softer side of him and watching him be in so much anguish, truly breaks my heart.

So a few days before Aunt S died Mom flew out and boy did she get an experience.  LOL  First she was like a little kid on the drive home...are we there we there how much longer.   HAHAHAHA  it was so funny.  Then we finally get into town and the look on her face was like "my daughter actually chose to LIVE HERE?"  lol  We didn't do much on the first day as she was exhausted and everything (well almost everything) is closed on Sundays.  So I actually got Mom to go to church with us.  I was dissapointed that the choir wasn't singing that day but everyone that is in the choir was there so she kind of got to hear how good they sing.  Also she came to taize service which is a candle light vigil, with singing and prayers. I think she had a good time.  We ate at most of the local resturaunts and walked around the town square (also known as down town) where she got to see the local shops and do a little shopping.  We did take Mom to a Brass Concert at the other college in town and that was fun!  They played great and she got to see that we have just a little bit of culture here.  We also went bowling (in a bowling alley that hasn't been updated since it opened in 1970's).  Needless to say it was very obvious that we haven't bowled in a really long time.  LOL   Mom and I went to to Amish stores and a Menonite store and she even got to take pictures of a horse and buggy and an Amish farmer ploying his fields with horses.  She was so excited, it was really cute.  I had such a good time with my MOM, it made me miss her even more.  I cried when we dropped her off at the airport even though by this time we knew that I was coming to Colorado for the funeral so I would see her in a few days.

I flew out to Colorado on Sunday, NH couldn't come because she had to go before the review board.  It sucked.  When I got to Colorado it was a whorl wind trip.  We went and saw uncle and it hit me that aunt had died.  I cried and cried and cried.  We had the funeral on Monday at this Catholic church, which was totally against my aunt's wishes,  she was cremated and emtombed, again against her wishes (the entombing part).  The only funny (depending on how you look at it) was that the priest kept calling her the wrong name the ENTIRE funeral.  I would like to think that it was her saying f-you to her family for going against her wishes and treating my unlce like crap.  Anyway after the funeral, I napped and then met up with some girls from highschool and has drinks and caught up on old times.  On tuesday, the day I flew back home,  I went and got my forearm tattoo finished (pics to come).  It looks so awesome!!  I couldn't wait to get home to NH.

Anyways, I got a letter from Cigna and they have denied my claim to have insurance pay for a breast reduction.  REALLY?  Cause they are not big enough?  NO   Cause I'm too fat?  NO  oh wait, because the plastic surgeon didn't send photos!!  WTF!!!  So you better believe that I called them and they are allegedy sending photos and I am also having my primary care Dr. write a letter on my behalf.  So keep your fingers crossed that they will change their mind and approve it!

So going before the review board for NH didn't turn out so well.  She has been 5th yeared so that means we have to stay in this god forsaken place and extra year.  She thinks I'm disapointed in her but really I'm so proud of her.  She has overcome so much this last quarter and I'm sure it doesn't help that I have been having so many health problems.  Which brings me to the last subject my health.   So I have no idea what the hell is going on with me. I think I'm falling apart from the inside out. I have had an MRI, x-rays, and Cat scan on my back.  Turns out I have arthritis in my spine (thank you parents!!) and a have disc dessication and bulge in L5-S1.  Not good.  Well on Wednesday night I was stretching and my back gave out and I have never been in so much pain in my life!!!  I went to the ER and had a CT scan and shot of tordal and valium and was sent home.  I had my follow Dr. appt today and I found out that my bulge has shifted to the left.  So now I have to try steroids and if that doesn't work i have to go to the pain clinic for an epidural.  UGH.... I have also been restricted from the one exercise that I was able to do, swimming,  I can get in the pool and walk that it is, no water aerobic and certainly no swimming.  I can only say how depressed this makes me feel.  I feel like i'm fighting a losing battle.  I HAVE to lose weight and was starting to with swimming and now I can't even do that!  AAHHHHHH

ON a positive note, I have gotten to Skype with my nieces almost everynight and that is fun!!  More later

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sad News

Well NH was given our options for years 3 and 4 rotations and Colorado is no longer on the list!  I can even begin to describe how devistated I am.  It's just another let down here at this college because that was also another reason why we decided to come here.  Now our options are Utah (um NO!), Phoenix, Witchita Kansas, or some more midwest and two northeast schools.  Anyway, I will be farther from my family and I will see less and less of NH.  I swear I am going to be on sooo many anti depressents and anxiety meds before this is all over it's not even funny.   On a positive note for me I'm going to start Pranic healing (google it) and there is a meditation this Sunday i sure hope it helps.

As for all the medical tests, so far everything has come back negative so I have no idea why I'm so exhausted ALL the time and still having bowel issues.  I'm getting tested for Celiac disease soon, so hopefully that will give some answers.

I have started swimming 5 days a weeks and have lost 21 lbs so far!!  Yay me.... I didn't think it could happen but it has.  I also went and saw the plastic surgeon about a breast reduction and he thinks it's possible at my current weight so I might hopefully have one in June and have insurance pay for it.

NH was diagnosed with ADD and has been placed on meds and is now doing much better in school and life and I'm so proud!  

That's all for now.   There are alot of people i'm praying for lately, just know that I'm praying for you!  xoxoxo

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cabin Fever or Maybe I'm just a Nut Job

Today has been a really weird day for me. Emotional ups and downs, can't concentrate to save my life. I feel sick and tired but not really anything in particular hurts or aches.  I have been cooped up in the house for two days straight because of this blizzard and all of a sudden I'm crying like and idiot and crapping my brains out. 

Which btw my Colonoscopy and Endoscopy went well I guess. I got a script for Prilosec so I guess I have GERD.  Still not explaination for the soft serve coming out of my behind, but at least there is not blood. 

Anyway,  I think I'm so emotional because I take on the emotions of others (their stress, anger, sadness, fear,etc) and today was a very bad day for my very close friend J.  I also have a feeling that my aunt is not doing well and I'm not being told.  Somedays I really wish I wasn't a feeler (as I sit here with tearing streaming down my face)  and NO I'm not PMSing!! 

Here's a pic of the blizzard that just rolled through my part of the country

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Current News.........Warning there are TMI parts!!

So after I fell in Colorado I started having really hard bloody stools for about 4 days.  After that I started throwing up everything I ate and I mean everything. So far I have lost 13lbs and I'm not trying UGH!!  Plus, I'm exhuasted.... I'm not just talking tired I'm talking exhausted, like going to bed at 7:30pm and sleeping until 7am everyday.  NH finally convinced me to go see the Dr. and I did.  We decided to do an MRI on my back since the pain was just unbareable and to do a colonoscopy and endoscopy to see what's happening inside me.  Well I have since had my MRI and the results aren't terrible but they are not great either.  I have Dejenerative Joint Disease in two places in my thoracic and lumbar spine. I have a bone spur on T12 and I have dessication and a bulging disc on L5-S1. So for now we are going to try therapy to help the pain but it's something that is just going to get worse and I will just have to deal with it.  I have my colonoscopy and EGD in a couple of weeks and I will let you know what happens with that. 

As far as being exhausted it's getting worse and I'm not very hungry anymore either.  I'm going to bed around 6 to 6:30 pm and sleeping completely through the night until the alarm goes off in the morning and I swear I could sleep all day if someone would let me.  NH is completely freaked out.  The Dr. thinks my thyroid is malfunctioning again so I had my blood drawn today and tested. I should know the results tomorrow.

I also found out this week that my Aunt has stage 4 cervical cancer and I'm just devistated. I know that I used to work with death everyday but I almost think that that is why i'm not handling this very well.  I know what's coming.  I am praying for her everyday and I hope she is not in pain, but I know that she probably is.

Well that's all for now!

Forgot to mention

So i forgot to mention that as a Christmas present I got NH a new puppy dog.  We got her from a puppymill rescue. She is a miniature dauschund and is a pain in my butt but I love her!!

She is the black one.  Her name is Isabelle and she is a tri-color mini that weighs 12lbs. which is about 4 more lbs than Daphne.  She is a great addition to our house!


Well lots has happened in Dec.  First was finals for me and NH.  Super stressfull and NH missed passing a class by three points so now she has to remeadiate the class when we get back from Christmas break.  I pray to God that she passes or that makes us a 5 year med student. UGH  I can't stay here one more year, I think I will literally go crazy.

I had this brilliant idea that I was going to make the Christmas gifts this year because we are on such a budget. We as my usual self I procrastinated until the last minute and then I made orange marmalade, cookie mix, scone mix, NH made chocolate covered spoons, I made mom a scrapbook and Ali a blanket.  Plus I managed to get out 34 Christmas cards.  I'm exhausted again just thinking about it!.  LOL

So my insurance finally kicked in and I went to see the Dr. with a whole laundry list of things that are happending to me. It is going to be a slow and expensive process (thank you Carleen for your gift, even at such a high price).  Anyway, the Dr. agreed that I'm super depressed and have anxiety through the roof and put me on meds for that.  I also had my Vit. D checked and it was 14.9 and to give you non medical folks and idead normal levels are 33.0 to 100.0 so I'm having to Vit D3 everyday and will have it checked again in February.  I was finally able to explain to NH just how bad my anxiety was once I realized how bad it was.  My thoughts race all the time about everything, even in my sleep.  I dream about running out of money, NH failing out of school, me losing my job, people diying, paying bills, cleaning the house, cooking dinner, getting my school work done, making sure NH does her homework and passes her tests. It never stops for me, EVER.  Just writing that stressed me out and my heartrate just shot up.  UGH.   NOT to mention how much I miss my family and my friends.  I seriously didn't think it would be this hard to do this! 

So I was able to go to Colorado and spend time with my Dad and visit some people over Christmas break because my office closed and there was no where for me to work.  I had a nice relaxing time except I fell down on my back, which already hurts all the time.  We left Colorado a day early to beat a terrible storm. All in all it was a good trip!


So not much exciting happened in November except that neither my Dad nor my Mom came out for Thanksgiving even though they both said that they would.  Oh Well,  I made a turkey and all the stuffings and it was great!  My depression and hatred for this town is increasing.  I will be so glad when my health insurance kicks in.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Neglect, Neglect, Neglect!!

So I admit that I haven't posted in quite awhile so I have decided that I will have a series of posts (at least one for each month) that I have missed and then try very diligently to keep up on this since as of right now this is one of my only ways to vent!.  LOL   

Well as you can see from my last post I FINALLY found a job.  I'm a phlebotomist (I might have already mentioned that) working in a doctor's office.  That part is really weird for me.  The RN's are actually LPN's and it's weird how I'm soo much more qualified then they are yet I'm just the "lab girl".  I'm not used to having Dr's not speak to me or act as if I don't exist!   Oh well.

So school is a pain in my butt and I'm not used to working and school and maintaining a household and I'm quite sure that I am severely depressed not to mention exhausted!  Luckly my health care benefits kick in in December.  School is much harder for NH than she thought it would be and I'm not sure how to help her so that has added stress to me..   I"M SO FREAKING STRESSED OUT!!!