Sunday, October 12, 2008

Finally a Place to call Home.........

So I have officially moved my stuff up here and found a small basement apartment in a house (pics to come).  It is up in Everett which is about 35 mins from Seattle.  Everyone I work with thinks that is just wayyyyy toooo loooongggg to commute, but Hey I'm from Colorado, that is nothing!  LOL  Anyway,  I have been in officially for a week, but of course have been working like crazy so I only have half unpacked.  I also don't have internet or tv yet, so I have succumbed to reading even more and watching movies.  It's a small apt. about 650 sq. ft. and the ceilings are only 6'5", so I can't have any tall people come over.  But it is perfect for me.  OH yeah,  and the Front Door is a huge square.  Reminds me of a Hobbit House.  I will take pics and post very soon.   

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