Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas in Wisconsin

S and I spent Christmas in Wisconsin with the in-laws.  We had a bad snow storm two days before we left and the Jeep runs so crappy. I was so worried. S showed up to my work to tell me that the Jeep was stuck in the parking lot.  Are you freaking kidding me!!!  It's a Jeep.

I was able to get the Jeep unstuck from the parking lot only to get it stuck in our parking lot at the house!!  Seriously!!!  I had to have someone take S home from school and me picked up for work on Friday morning. S spent the day digging the Jeep out of the ice and snow so that we could  leave Saturday morning to go to Wisconsin.  Luckily S was a wonder and got the Jeep on stuck.  We left for Wisconsin about an hour late, but off we went.  We took the dogs and the new puppy (for S's mom) on the trip. The drive was uneventful until about 20 minutes outside our destination when the piece that covers the under part of the engine tried to fall off. We had to bungee cord it together to make it to her parents house. lol

Upon arrival at S's parents we were greeted by Dad and brother, Mom was still at work.  It was very awkward. This is the first time that I have been under the same roof as them since S came out (S didn't realize that until we came home) not uncomfortable for me at all.

All in all things went good, but I was exhausted from them and I'm the extroverted one. I was happy to leave but it was a nice break from KV.

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