Saturday, August 21, 2010

Yay Yay things are on there way!!

So when I got home from the coffee shop guess what had been done? The carpet people showed up ten minutes after I left and then the cleaning people showed up too. So we FINALLY have new carpet. There have been several other things that have happened since then so on to that.

We have had several really great or bad thunderstorms since we have moved here. According to we are 14 inches over the predicted rainfall amount for the year. Can I just say that these are not rain storms they are flash floods. On minute everything is nice and the next minute BAM I am watching a river run through the front yard and yesterday everything that was on the back porch almost ended up in the neighbors yard. I enjoy them for the most part but we have lost power several times (since we live in rural NOWHERE) so we now have candles and lighter strategically placed around the house.

We have started to plan out our meals so we took the 3 hour drive to Costco in Des Moines, IA and stocked up on food for a month. We also went out and purchased a standing freezer for the food since everything rots so quickly here. NH was very proud of me because I have food issues and I have been doing well with them. What food issues do I have? Well first I have very sensitive taste buds and I can usually tell when something is about to go bad and so I have refused to eat ANYTHING past it's expiration date and secondly I have issues with eating leftovers. I just don't like them. But since we are now dirt poor I have eaten left overs and yesterday morning one of our bagels that we just bought at Costco had 3 tiny mold spores on it and I picked those off and still ate the bagel. NH was super proud! LOL

Anyway, when I woke up on Tuesday morning I noticed that the fridge was not working and the freezer had almost completely defrosted. I panicked since we bought so much food. Called the wonderful landlord (sarcasm inserted here) and they luckly sent someone over THE SAME DAY. Miraculously the fridge started working about an hour before he showed up but apparently there was something wrong with the hinges that he could not fix so on Thursday we got a NEW FRIDGE. I must say I was shocked! BUT NOW I"M SUPER HAPPY.

So what else has happened this week. I have started searching for a job and it's not been easy. I baked french bread (pics to come). NH parents found us a 200 dollar bread machine for 21 bucks and shipped it to us.

NH started medical school yesterday and have the white coat ceremony this morning. I'm officially a future Dr's (insert title here). LOL

School officially starts on monday and its going to be grueling. I hope that I can not be selfish and demanding (I know it would be totally out of character to be.. ;-) ) and be super supportive.

So far around the house I have seen 2 cardinals, a frog that hangs out on the kitchen window and a bunny in the front yard. Not bad I'd say.

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