I have the best of intentions and usually can start something, stick with it for about a week and then WHAM it's gone! I suck at Discipline. The funny thing is that I used to be the most disciplined person that I knew(people would comment on it all the time). In high school I was up at 6 a.m., be at school by 7:00 for color guard practice, attend all my classes. I would have weightlifting for 3 hours and then Cheer leading practice for an hour and half after school. Not to mention my routine on game days(lots more stuff after school).
My eating was very disciplined as well. Always appropriate meals with the right amount of protein, carbs, and fats. I got great sleep and my homework was always completed(ahead of time) and I worked part-time as well.
Fast forward 16 years (holy crap I have been out of high school for THAT long!) and I have absolutely no discipline. NONE
I can clean the house (just one example) and promise myself that I will clean and keep up with the house( I even make a chore chart, yes at my age I still make choir charts) and I do great for about 3 days and then boom the house is trashed again. I'm totally upset about it, bitching and moaning, whining and crying, yelling and screaming to S, but do I do anything about it? NOPE except make a list of all the things that I need to clean again (even though I have that damn chore chart).
I know that I have been diagnosed with clinical depression, but REALLY? Does it totally make you a worthless human being that has absolutely no discipline at all? It sure seems like it. How the heck did that happen? How could I have truly lost all my discipline? How the heck do I get it back? I want so badly to be that person that was sooo disciplined!